Keep your Garden Blooming

Category Property Marketability Tips

By making your garden easy to maintain, your property will be more attractive to tenants.

Specifically, in today's tough property market, it is very important to focus on ways in which you can enhance your property and differentiate it from your competitors.

One way in which this can be done is by introducing compost bins and instructions for tenants to follow and is when occupying your property.

Composting is a great way to assist tenants who would like to rent property with a garden area, without having to spend a lot extra to maintain it.

What is composting?

Creating compost is a sustainable and affordable way to ensure your garden gains all the necessary nutrients it need to thrive.

There are 3 ingredients you need to create compost.

1. Green material

2. Brown material

3. Enough moisture

Green material is materials which are high in nitrogen. This refers to kitchen scraps, excluding greasy or meaty products.

Brown material are materials which are high in carbon. This category includes sawdust, paper, small branches and twigs. kitchen scraps and cornstalks can also get added. The ratio of nitrogen to carbon in your compost should preferably work out to be equal parts of both.

Water is the final key ingredient you need to create a thriving compost pile. Without moisture, your pile will take months to break down. However, if your pile is too wet, the ratio of bad bacteria will outweigh the good and your compost pile will become slimy.

Your compost should always remain damp but not dripping wet. If your compost is hot in the middle this is proof that it is at the correct ratio for decomposition. It is important to sterilize the compost and kill the weed seeds or bad diseases that may be there.

Water expenses can often become a big concern for tenants if renting a property with a large outdoor garden area.

By implementing greywater systems, you will not only be assisting your tenants in saving on their monthly water bill, but you will also be ensuring that your garden can be maintained all year round.

What are Greywater Systems?

The Aqua2use greywater system filters wastewater from showers, bathtubs and washing machines, which can be used for garden irrigation. Installing this system in a home can save up to 148 000 litres of water every year, thereby vastly reducing your monthly water bill.

Greywater is beneficial and safe for plants and allow your garden to thrive in times of drought.

We hope these tips have given you some insight on how to increase the marketability of your rental property. Stay tuned for more insightful tips and tricks to come.

Author: by Storme-Lee Oliver

Submitted 19 Jun 23 / Views 1824